L'unité d'Anthropologie de l'Unige organise ce 15 décembre un symposium sur la théorie neutraliste de l'évolution
Cette théorie a marqué les esprits et suscité des débats importants pour de nombreuses raisons. En particulier dans le contexte éducatif elle pose problème parce qu'elle remet très explicitement en cause l'idée de finalité qui es si difficile à transformer.
Une idée qui fait obstacle à la compréhension de l'évolution, surtout parce qu'elle est satisfaisante dans la vie de tous les jours et dans les interactions sociales... Peut-être aussi parce que l'idée d'intention serait si fondamentalement inscrite dans notre psychologie ? (Cf Bio-Tremplins du 29 mai 2009 ici cf L'intentionnalité : un des ressorts fondamentaux de la personnalité ?)
Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution
A Symposium
Sciences II, room A300, University of Geneva
Motoo Kimura developed this theory in the 60-70's to explain the high level of molecular diversity observed in populations, stipulating that the majority of mutations were neutral or nearly neutral, but without eliminating the role of natural selection. This theory has been somewhat marginalized in the past two decades. However, it is a fundamental theory that can explain many evolutionary changes. It is also the base of the molecular clock theory used by many researchers for their phylogenetic reconstructions.
Forty years after Kimura, and given the dramatic developments in molecular genetics and evidence of selection in many genes, where do we stand?
Motoo Kimura developed this theory in the 60-70's to explain the high level of molecular diversity observed in populations, stipulating that the majority of mutations were neutral or nearly neutral, but without eliminating the role of natural selection. This theory has been somewhat marginalized in the past two decades. However, it is a fundamental theory that can explain many evolutionary changes. It is also the base of the molecular clock theory used by many researchers for their phylogenetic reconstructions.
Forty years after Kimura, and given the dramatic developments in molecular genetics and evidence of selection in many genes, where do we stand?
The Current Status of the Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai), Hayama, Japan
Near Neutrality: the Mutational-Hazard Theory of Genome Evolution
Department of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
Markets and Gods don't like neutral evolution!
University of Geneva, Department of Genetics and evolution, Anthropology Unit, Switzerland
University of Bern, Computational and Molecular Population Genetics, Switzerland
University of Geneva, Department of Genetics & Evolution, LANE, Switzerland
University of Geneva, Department of Genetics and evolution, Anthropology Unit, Switzerland
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